7 Things To Pack For Disney World You Never Knew You Needed

7 Things To Pack For Walt Disney World You Never Knew You Needed

You already have your packing list of things to pack for your upcoming Disney trip. But what about the things you never knew you needed to bring?

#1 Gum

You won’t find gum sold anywhere in Disney World. And if you’ve ever stepped in it or had your toddler find a treasure trove under a table, you understand why. So, if you must indulge, bring a supply.

#2 Ziploc Bags

Of all sizes. When the kids were toddlers, we brought snack-sized bags for non-perishable snacks and leftovers. Sandwich/Quart sized bags are used for added protection for phones on water rides or during the random rain shower. And my favorite size, the Gallon, was used when the kids were smaller. I would pack an outfit, per bag, right down to the pull-up or underwear. When it was time to get ready, my husband could just grab a bag, no questions asked and get them ready. When the kids could dress themselves, they had a ready-made outfit, right down to the socks. That matched. Heaven in the morning for any mom!

#3 Pepsi

Now me? I’m a Coca-Cola kind of gal. Disney’s beverage choices suit me, just fine. But my friend? A die-hard Pepsi fan? She brings a case to keep in the room. If you like Pepsi, you’ll need to do the same.

#4 Oversized Chip Clips

My kids will pop out of bed with the sun. To trick them into getting their much needed rest, I would clip the curtains shut nice and tight with my handy-dandy-oversized-chip-clip. Most mornings, it worked.

#5 Rain Ponchos

Sure, you can buy them at Disney if you need them. But I’m telling you right now, you’ll need a rain-poncho at least once during your trip. Better to save your precious souvenir money and purchase these little vacation savers at a big-box store or Dollar Tree before you arrive.

#6 Sharpie

To identify who’s whose water bottle. Phone number on the arm of the runaway toddler. For character autographs on t-shirts or hats. To label those gallon-size Ziplocs that hold your toddler’s clothes. Feel free to add your favorite usage in the comments below.

#7 Over-The-Door-Shoe-Holder 

This is one of my favorite tricks. We have a family of 5 and the bathroom counter can get a bit cluttered. Not anymore! Hang up the Over-The -Door-Shoe-Holder (got ours at Target) and everyone has a place for their stuff. We each take a row (my daughter took two) and our counters are toiletry free!

What is your favorite “must-pack” item?


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